About Us

Statement of Purpose

The RSL was founded in 1916 to provide comradeship and support to Australia’s veterans and their families. That core mission has never changed but has continued to evolve to meet the needs of each generation of servicemen and women. We have a branch network that covers Australia and any veteran who seeks help will get it.  Serving ADF members and veterans should will be warmly welcomed at their local RSL. We advocate for the best possible conditions for our serving men and women and for those who have served the nation in the past. We foster respect and thanks from the nation for all those who have made sacrifices in Australia’s name and we will provide a strong voice on issues of national unity and security.

Aims and Objectives of the League

The ideals and objectives which had characterised the initiation of the first state associations in 1916 were correlated and finally adopted, in the following form, as the aims and objectives of the League:

• To perpetuate the close ties of friendship created by mutual service in the Australian Defence Force or allied forces, to maintain a proper standard of dignity and honour among all past and present serving members of the Defence Force and to set an example of public spirit and noble-hearted endeavour;
• To preserve the memory and records of those who suffered and died for Australia;
• To provide for the sick and wounded and needy among those who have served and their dependents including pensions, medical attention, homes and suitable employment;
• To inculcate loyalty to the Nation, to guard the good name and preserve the interests and standing of members of the Defence Force; and
• To promote our policy on national questions, particularly:
• the unity of the Commonwealth of Nations,
• the Defence of Australia
• the maintenance of a sustainable and selective immigration policy
• the development of a national Defence infrastructure and Defence industry, and
• the promotion and proper employment of the nation's natural resources.

Our Committee

Gary Clough - President

Marlee Anderson - Vice President

Darryl Ellis - Treasurer

Dave Gaffee - Membership Officer/Assistant Treasurer

Allison Southon - Secretary

Sandra Dudley - Garden of Remeberance

Lee Clayton - Museum/Historian/Committee Member

Sheryl King - Committee Member

Mick MacCuspie - Committee Member

Rob Southon - Committee Member

Port Lincoln RSL Club
(08) 8682 3594
14 Hallett Pl, Port Lincoln SA 5606